Case Studies

Bentlebury have helped many organisations in many sectors, consistently delivering positive change.  Whether strategic reviews to end to end digital transformations, our associates consistently add value to our clients' bottom lines.

Not For Profit & Charity

For an NGO delivering aid to over 20 countries, we reviewed operational IT and the organisation's relationship with IT, producing a report on how data and technology should be structured and managed into the future.

Retail & e-Commerce

For a bricks & mortar and online retailer based in the UK, we undertook a Strategic IT Review, resulting in an end-to-end Digital Transformation to the shops, e-commerce site, back-office, logistics and warehousing.

Games Development

For a UK-based games developer and publisher, we undertook an IT Review, restructured the function to be more commercially aligned to business objectives,, as well as leading the tech refit for the new Head Office.

Financial Services

For a regulated financial services company based in Leeds, we reviewed data management to ensure that data was stored legally and appropriately, assessing software solutions to ensure future compliance.

UK-Based Logistics

For a space broker and recruitment company operating in logistics, we led and oversaw the procurement and implementation of an outsourced IT function to accommodate expected business growth.

Business Travel

For a UK-based business to business travel agent, we led the IT integration of a newly acquired subsidiary into the group infrastructure, ensuring the methodology was repeatable for future acquisitions.

Public Sector Housing

For two separate housing associations, we led the IT elements of the merger or "Repairs and Maintenance" functions back into the organisations from outsource partners.

Property Management

For a recently merged group of companies, we recovered a failed ERP implementation and restructured the IT Team, ensuring business benefits and operational requirements were aligned to scope.

Software Development

For a UK-based software vendor, we acted as a trusted adviser the CTO to overcome a product monolith post acquisition of a competitor product suite that was brought under the umbrella of the client company.